Trail Reports
Rising Sun preruns Moab throughout the year to be better prepared as trail leaders. This trip was in November 2000.
Crystal Mountain Rising Sun trip
 Slaughterhouse Gulch is an easy but scenic trail not too far from the Denver area.
 Spring Creek Trail turned out to be quite the challenge!
Some old mining trails above Idaho Springs are affectionately known as Spinning Wheel Trail. This run helped me test my new rebuilt stock carb.
 This past February, a couple of buddies and I got together to go play in the snow. We ended up above Brook Forest.
 For the first Rising Sun 4WD Club run of the new millennium, we did our annual snow and Pizza run. Kevin Ehrlick was our trail leader, and we had lot's of fun playing in the snow. And ice. When we got to the Mill Stone Inn in Ward CO for our pizza, I asked Kevin what the name of the trail is. He told me that as far as he knew, it didn't really have any name on the map, but that old timers called it Black Rose Canyon. So that's what I called the new page I made for it.
 In order to join the Rising Sun 4WD club, you have to attend at least one meeting, pay the dues, go on at least one club trail ride, and get voted in by the membership. So for the trail ride, we went up Webster Pass. I brought my camera, and a new web page was born. The photos are from the trip, but the background is from my '71 on "Suicide Hill" next to my garage. The picture turned out really lousy so I decided to posterize it and turn it into a background.
 I went on a pickup run with some buddies in July 1999 and actually remembered to bring my camera, so I put up a page for the Hackett Gulch four wheeling trip. Okay, so I was the only one in a Land Cruiser, but at least three others were in Toyotas, AND I didn't break anything or get stuck!